Sarahworld is the creation of Sara Navarro, a woman of many talents that range from artistic to entrepreneurial. See introduction post on her here. An native of Elda but based in Madrid, Sara Navarro is a staunch advocate of the environment and an outspoken champion of women. She’s superbly educated and has a very refined taste. All this translates into her work, which has an air of exclusivity to it. She does not cater to a wide market – her goal is to attract people who are on the same wavelength as her.

Sarahworld new Spring-Summer collection seems to have been visited by the spirit of long-gone empires of the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
This sandal from white-washed raffia is deliberately austere, except for the soft caramel-colored leather lining of the sole and under the straps. It is titled “Neith“, who, it turns out, is an early goddess of the Egyptian pantheon.
Now for the mistress. This is “Nefertiti“: a platinum-colored wedge sandal with leather lined textured fabric upper and what looks like a leather back. The wedge is made from natural jute fibers, with a rubber sole for comfort and protection. This is how the designer’s imagines a sandal for the mistress.
The “Sitra“ sandal is guaranteed to turn heads with its large-sized black and white geometric pattern in the Egyptian style. The upper is made of textile and the wedge sole is natural jute rope. The name “Sitra” comes from an island in the Persian Gulf. The heel measures 12 cm or 4.7”.
In terms of hats, I absolutely loved the adorable borsalino-style “Esna” and the more feminine “Esfinge” (Spanish for “sphinx” – Egypt again). Leave it to the Spanish to make a humble material like raffia look so effortlessly elegant and ethereal:
And finally, the absolute kicker. I just can’t get this bag out of my head:
The coral bag chest “Anat“ (Anat was a major northwest Semitic goddess).
So, what do you think of them apples? The slave sandal, the “Sphinx” hat, and the coral bag chest are definitely going on my wish list.
The prices range from EUR79 for the hats, to EUR145 for the sandals, to EUR179 for the bag. They can be ordered from the online shop at